We’ve worked on im proving the lives of over 250 individuals including young people, women, disabled people and marginalized comminities in Puntland state through direct practice.
Young people from different backgrounds have a huge impact on us and all our activities. They highlight those parts of the society that are broken, so we can help them in all possible ways to regain hope and flourish in life.
What we do
We plan and support amazing projects that help change the lives of disadvantaged children, young people and women from across different regions of Puntland state, Somalia
we believe in empowering individuals and communities by providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed.
we are committed to ensuring that eveyone has access to our programs and services regardlessof their background or circumstances.
we believe in working with local and international partners to maximize our impact.
livelihood support
we local intrepreneurs by providing training, financing and mentorship.
Our numbers
that speak
We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.